
15 julio, 2015

Carvalho Hosken – The Social Home Tour


Carvalho Hosken, one of the biggest construction companies in Brazil, launched its new high value venture based on a tailor made concept. But in Real State market, “made for you” is a common speech repeated to exhaustion by every brand. That’s what brought us a challenge: promoting a real tailor made product and avoiding the image of a false promise.

The solution
We created The Social Home Tour. To schedule a visit to the model apartment, visitors had to use their Facebook login. That guaranteed us access to their profile information, which we transformed into ingredients for a unique experience. The apartment was then automatically customized for each visit. By the end of the tour visitors also received a phone call with a special discount, and the experience could be shared on Facebook.
The results
Using technology and Facebook, we introduced visitors to their future homes already filled by their emotional memories. During the period the tour took place, 28% of the visits resulted in purchases (three times the usual rate); 43% of the visitors shared their experience on Facebook; and the goal was achieved in a special manner: demonstrating it was actually tailor made for each one of them.


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